Types of cataract surgery & intraocular lens

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During the initial stages of cataract, prescription eyeglasses are changed or sunglasses are worn to counter the glare from bright lights. However, these are only considered temporary measures. If not treated properly, the cataract will gradually worsen. Symptoms of Cataract vary with severity and once it starts affecting your quality of life, treatment should be considered.

With advances in technology, patients can now undergo surgery to effectively remove cataract. During the surgery, the cataractous lens in the eye will be removed and and an intraocular lens will be implanted.

Types of cataract surgery:

Micro-incision Phacoemulsification Surgery – This procedure uses ultrasound energy to liquify the cataract in patient’s eye. It allows the emulsified cataract to be removed through a narrow incision of 2 to 3 mm. The wounds are self-healing, so stitches are not required. This allows the patient’s eyes to recover and heal faster.

Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery This procedure is known to have potential in treating cataracts and is considered as the next phase in the improvement of minimally invasive cataract surgery. In LACS, there is improved wound construction, it is gentle on the eye and allows greater predictability in lens positioning. It also offers advantages for certain forms of complex cataract surgery.

There are different types of intraocular lens available in the market:

Multifocal IOLs – These lenses have different zones in different areas of the lens, enabling the patient to clearly see objects at both near and far. It decreases the need for computer or reading glasses after cataract surgery in Singapore. This is ideal for patients who find that prescription glasses are a hassle and want to be rid of them.


The above picture demonstrates vision through a multifocal lens implant. Both far and near objects are clear.

Toric IOLs Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens are misshaped. Toric lens implants are intraocular lenses that are used to correct astigmatism using the different powers in different meridians of the lens.

Monofocal IOLs – These lenses provide corrective power in only one portion of your visual range, typically distance vision. We may select monofocal IOLs that are for near, mid or distant focus. Only one of these 3 can be selected and the focus will not change after surgery. During your eye examination and consultation, we can help you choose the an IOL best suited for your needs.

monoiol monovision

The above picture demonstrates vision through a monofocal lens implant.

Before any lens implant can be selected, you will need to let the surgeon know your lifestyle needs and requirements so that he is able to select a lens that is most suitable for you.