Floaters Treatments
Floaters are usually not that bothersome and often go away on their own in a few weeks or months. While most floaters are harmless, sometimes they can signal other problems which a comprehensive eye examination can uncover.
1 Vitrectomy
For this procedure, the vitreous containing the floaters is removed from the eye and replaced with a sterile clear fluid. Vitrectomy does not always remove the floaters completely and sometimes, new ones can still form later.
2 Laser Vitreolysis
A recent procedure that is a much safer alternative to vitrectomy, it involves a laser beam being projected into the eye and focused on large floaters to break them apart and/or vaporise them.
Retinal Complications
When there is a sudden onset of floaters and especially if flashes of light accompany them, it could mean the vitreous is pulling away from the retina (a condition called posterior vitreous detachment) or the retina itself is becoming dislodged. This requires immediate medical attention.
1 Laser Surgery/Freeze Treatment
Laser surgery and/or a freeze treatment called cryopexy are procedures that can be performed in the doctor’s office to make tiny burns around retinal tears to weld them back into place while cryopexy freezes the area around the tears to reattach the retina.
2 Scleral Buckle
Retinal detachments are treated with surgery that may require the patient to be admitted in the hospital. In some cases, a tiny synthetic band called the scleral buckle, is attached externally to the eyeball to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina.